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Always make sure your ONT/ONU(fibre box) is power using 12v. If you use a UPS, please make sure the ONT is connected to the 12v output.

Basic Checks if the lights on your fibre box (ONT/ONU) show active connections:

Frogfoot,   MetroFibre, Amobia Fibre, Vumatel Village & Sitari(Calix ONT):


Power = Power status.

Green = ONT has power. Off = ONT does not have power. Check that your ONT is plugged in and receiving power from the power supply.

Broadband = Connection to the upstream provider ( Frogfoot/Metrofibre/Balwin/Vuma Villages ). Green = Connected . Red or off = The fibre line is faulty. Please ensure the thin fibre cables are firmly connected to the ONT device. If the light changes to green, you will be able to connect. If the light remains red or off, please reboot the ONT and WiFi router. If there are no known issues reported, please contact our Support team to assist you further. 

Service = Connection to the Internet Service Provider.
Green = Connected.
Red or off = No connection.
Restart the ONT and WiFi router. If the light changes to green, you will be able to browse the internet. If the light remains red, please check the Network status for any known issues. If there are no known issues reported. please get in touch with our Support team to you assist further.

Ethernet = Indicates if the LAN cable is properly plugged into your ONT. Green = Connected. Off = No data connection. Ensure that the network cable between ONT and the WiFi router is connected properly, and the WiFi router is powered on.

Restart the ONT and WiFi router. If the light changes to green, you will be able to connect to the internet. If the light remains off, please check that there is no issue with the network cable and test with a different network cable. If the ethernet light still does not come on after testing with a different cable, it might be that the port is faulty, please get in contact with our support team for further assistance.

Are all the ONT lights on and stable? If all the lights on your ONT are on, stable, and there is no known outage, please disconnect the ONT and WiFi router from the power socket for about 5 –10 minutes and try again. 

Sitari Estate 

The ONT is inside the Communications DB board:


Vumatel Core:

Vuma Core ONT

Power icon = Power status.
Green = ONT has power.
Off = ONT does not have power. Check that the ONT is plugged in and receiving power from the power supply.

F = Connection to the upstream provider (Vuma).
Green = Connected.
Off = The fibre line is faulty. Restart the ONT and your WiFi router. If the light changes to green, you will be able to browse the internet. If the light remains off, please check our Network status page for any possible issues. If there are no known issues reported, please get in touch with our Support team to assist further.

1 = Indicates if the LAN cable is correctly plugged into your ONT.
Green = Connected.
Off = No data connection. Ensure that the network cable between ONT and the WiFi router is connected correctly. If the light remains off, please check that there is no issue with the network cable and test with another cable.

Openserve(Huawei Models):


Power = Power status
Green = ONT has power.
Off = ONT does not power. Check that the ONT is plugged in and receiving power from the power supply.

PON = Connection to the upstream network provider (Vuma Reach/ Vuma Aerial/ Openserve).

Green = Connected.
Red or off = There is a fault on the line. Restart the ONT and WiFi router. If the light changes to green you will be able to browse the internet. If the light remains red, please check the Network status for known issues. If no known issues are reported, please contact our Support team to assist further.

LOS = Short for loss of signal. Indicates that a signal or connection is dropped or terminated.
Off = Connected.
Red = The network has lost signal. Restart the ONT and WiFi router. If the light goes off, you will be able to browse the internet. If the light remains red, please check the Network status for known issues. If there are no known issues reported, please get in touch with our Support team to assist further.

LAN = Indicates that the LAN cable is correctly plugged into your ONT.
Green = Connected.
Off = No data connection. Ensure that the network cable between ONT and the WiFi router is plugged in correctly and the WiFi router is powered on. If the light changes to green you will be able to browse the internet. If the light remains off, please check that there is no issue with the network cable and test with another one. 

Amobia Fibre New (BDCOM):


Power = Power status
On = ONT has power. 
Off = ONT does not power. Check that the ONT is plugged in and receiving power from the power supply.

PON = Connection to the Amobia Network is up. Light flashing, device needs configuration.
LOS = Red There is a possible fibre problem.

Always, double check that the ethernet cable between your Router and ONT is plug into the
WAN port of the Router(Blue Port on the Router). and the LAN1 port on the ONT(Yellow Port on the ONT).

Devices will use LAN ports (Yellow ports) on the router.
Use a laptop to test via ethernet cable into the router to confirm its not your Wi-fi connection.

The older apartments don't all have ONU yet. Please check your router cable is connected to the Data Module against the wall and plugged into your router WAN port.

See example layout of the router and ONT/ONU

If your lights are still off and can confirm no Internet, please contact our support team for assistance at:

Tel: 041 006 0000
WhatsApp: 078 4217 986
Use your Amobia App to log a fault

Contact Us Page 

For a quick reference guide on how to plug in or check your router cables please see guide:

Download quick Router installation guide

The fibre infrastructure provider installs the fibre cable from the road into your home. These providers include Frogfoot, Vumatel and Metrofibre. On the Amobia fibre network, Amobia technicians will install the fibre connection.

Once you have placed your order with Amobia, the fibre infrastructure provider will call you to set up an installation date. We’d recommend being at home at the time of installation to ensure you agree with the installer on the placement of the cable and ONT device in your home.

This depends on the fibre infrastructure provider and the build phase of your area. On average, this can range from 5 to 40 working days.

But once we know your location, we are able to run a feasibility and give you a more accurate estimate. 

Contact us to find out more about your options.

• First step is to give notice to your existing ISP by logging a cancellation with your ISP. Notice periods will differ depending on your contract, but they are normally 1 calendar month.

• When you have logged your cancellation with your old ISP you should be given a date when your service will end.

• Sometimes the migration does not get processed on time, and, if your old ISP turns off your service you will be left without a connection until Vumatel processes the migration

• Usure your previous ISP logs a cancellation with Vumatel’s portal. Get written confirmation, or else Vumatel will not process the cancellation and you might get stuck without any services.

• Once you know when your current service ends please feel free to place an Amobia order, and let us know the “desired start date”. 

• When the migration takes place we will try to inform you as soon as possible via email, but you might know before we do. Once the migration takes place you will need to either:
Update your router’s WAN/Internet PPPoE configuration. See our router configurations booklet
If your services included a router from Amobia, it should be already configured.

• First step is to give notice to your existing ISP by logging a cancellation with your ISP. Notice periods will differ depending on your contract, but they are normally 1 calendar month.

• When you have logged your cancellation with your old ISP you should be given a date when your service will end.

• Sometimes the migration does not get processed on time, and, if your old ISP turns off your service you will be left without a connection until Frogfoot processes the migration

• Usure your previous ISP logs a cancellation with Frogfoot portal. Get written confirmation, or else Frogfoot will not process the cancellation and you might get stuck without any services.

• Once you know when your current service ends please feel free to place an Amobia order, and let us know the “desired start date”. You are welcome to change the start date with us if things change.

• You are allowed to switch earlier and waive the notice period with your old ISP, but your old ISP will need to provide this consent in writing to their project coordinator at Frogfoot, or else Frogfoot will not process the migration. You will then get an invoice from your old ISP for the notice period and one from us for the pro-rata amount.

• When the migration takes place we will try to inform you as soon as possible via email, but you might know before we do. Once the migration takes place you will need to either:
Update your router’s WAN/Internet PPPoE configuration. See our router configurations booklet
If your services included a router from Amobia, it should be already configured.

• First step is to give notice to your existing ISP by logging a cancellation with your ISP. Notice periods will differ depending on your contract, but they are normally 1 calendar month.

• When you have logged your cancellation with your old ISP you should be given a date when your service will end.

• Sometimes the migration does not get processed on time, and, if your old ISP turns off your service you will be left without a connection until Metro Fibre processes the migration

• Usure your previous ISP logs a cancellation with Metro Fibre portal. Get written confirmation, or else Metro Fibre will not process the cancellation and you might get stuck without any services.

• Once you know when your current service ends please feel free to place an Amobia order, and let us know the “desired start date”. You are welcome to change the start date with us if things change.

• When the migration takes place we will try to inform you as soon as possible via email, but you might know before we do. Once the migration takes place you will need to either:
Update your router’s WAN/Internet PPPoE configuration. See our router configurations booklet
If your services included a router from Amobia, it should be already configured.


The wireless router can handle many users logged in at any one time – but the more active users, the slower the network becomes.

As a rule of thumb, the smaller the line speed, the more noticeable it will become when more connections are active on the wireless router.

It is also advised to install a wireless mesh system if you require a big coverage or many concurrent connection. Mesh systems are design with a bigger wireless network in mind. 
We also recommend that you rate limit public accessible areas connections, for example your wireless network for a coffee shop or waiting room. This will ensure there is no single user that is able use up all your available bandwidth and cause a bad experience for other users.
Some routers also allows you to create a quest network to protect the network.

Contact Us for information or assistance 

Poor Wi-Fi signal could be caused by a number of factors, but there are a few common things you can do to improve your signal:

  • Place your wireless router in a clear, central place in your home. A typical indoor Wi-Fi signal has a range of about 30 meters, but this distance can be reduced by a large amount of obstacles (e.g. walls, cupboards) between you and your router.
  • If you have a larger area to cover, you may want to buy routers with MESH capabilities.
    These MESH routers will communicate with each other and make sure your devices(phones & laptops) are always connected to the correct router with seamless roaming.
  • Always Place your wireless routers on a desk or elevated shelf; Wi-Fi signal travels better ‘downwards’. Wireless routers should never be placed on the floor as the ground causes a lot of signal interference.
  • Keep your Wireless routers away from any trees, plants, microwaves, metal objects and any other devices that broadcast a Wi-Fi signal. Also try to avoid having these obstacles between you and your router while you’re using the Wi-Fi.

Please download our 'How To' guide here:

Basic Router FTTH Setup Booklet or Full Router and Wireless Setup Booklet

You can also contact our 24/7 Customer Support Centre should you need further assistance.

In most cases, this is not possible. This is because most ADSL routers cannot establish a broadband connection. The majority of ADSL routers can only establish a PPPOE connection via the ADSL port(RJ11).

However, if your ADSL router has an Additional WAN (RJ45) port available for broadband connection, you should be able to use it. But it is also important to check your port speeds on your router to determine if you will be able to achieve speeds above 100Mbps.

You can confirm which of the above pertains to you with one of our sales reps when signing up for Amobia wireless or fibre.

From our experience, 95% of speed problems are related to problems inside the clients premises(Between test device and router or the router and ONT/ONU/CPE. This is something out of our control but could try and assist you as far as possible.

  • If your TV or streaming device is using Wi-Fi, ensure that the device has sufficient signal. If possible, move your device closer to the wireless router.
  • Hardwire your streaming device to the router, using an ethernet/data(Cat5) cable.
  • Disable all other devices connected to your router. Less devices connected can result in more bandwidth available for the stream.
  • Reduce the quality of the video. Trying various quality settings can reduce the buffering.
  • Reboot your connection by rebooting the CPE and Wi-Fi router. This is done by plugging out the power cable for 10 seconds and plugging it back in.
  • Request a frequency change on your wireless router to possibly improve the connection between your router and streaming device
  • Slow speeds during night or weekends might be related to multiple users using the Internet account in your household at the same time. Let everyone disconnect and do a speed test. If your test are correct, you can consider upgrading your account to a higher speed. 

Changing your wireless password can be done by logging into your router, and navigating to the wireless settings section where you can change the Wi-Fi password.

You can access your router via a web browser by typing in the default IP address of the router ( into the browser. Once at the login screen, you can use the default password of ‘admin/admin’.

It is advisable to use an ethernet cable to connect to the router if you are unable to connect to the wireless. This will also enable you to login to the router.

You can view a tutorial here:

You can also contact our 24/7 Customer Support Centre should you need further assistance.

The speeds you can expect will be dependent on the devices being used for the wireless distribution as well as the devices being used to connect and make use of the Internet.

Get in touch with one of our sales representatives for guidance on the correct router for your desired service.

In Windows 10, you can:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to Network & Internet -> Ethernet if you are using a wired connection. If your network adapter is wireless, go to Network & Internet -> Wi-Fi.
  3. Click the link to Change adapter properties.
  4. Double-click the adapter for which you need to know the speed.

Note: This will be the theoretical maximum speed that is possible over that medium.

In most cases, you will need a faster router. You will require a router that has a WAN port that can handle speeds of above 100Mbps. This will require your WAN port to Sync at 1000Mbps/1Gbps.

You can check your router specification sheet to see if it references the WAN port to be 1Gbps.


The Tenda AC6 router will only be suitable for line speeds up to 100Mbps.

The Tenda AC 10 router is suitable for line speeds of 100 -500Mbps.

You will also need to confirm that the devices you are using are able to achieve speeds above 100Mbps.

Amobia email settings:
incoming server -
outgoing server-

Note: If you are not using an Amobia email address but from a different provider, please contact the provider for
the correct email setting to be used with there email.

If you experience any issues with your gaming or NAT problem, please contact our technical support team to assist you.
You can contact them at or at 041 006 0000

Here are some best practices for conducting an internet speed test:

Close Unnecessary Applications: Close all unnecessary applications on your device that might be using the internet.
Never run a speed test from a TV or Game console as these results can be inaccurate.
Choose the Right Tool: Use a reliable App such as Speedtest by Ookla2, conduct the test.
Use a Wired Connection: If possible, use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi for more accurate results.
Test Multiple Times: Conduct the test multiple times and at different times of the day to get a more comprehensive understanding of your internet speed.
Check Both Download and Upload Speeds: Both of these speeds are important depending on your usage. 

Download speed is important for activities like streaming, while upload speed is important for activities like video conferencing.

To run a speed test, head to the chosen website or download the app on your device. From the initial test screen, click or tap on the “GO” button and wait a few seconds until your download and upload speeds have been analyzed. Remember if you run a peed test, the test can indicate to what is available on your network. if you have users online or streaming devices streaming they will affect your speed test.

Remember, the goal of a speed test is to understand the performance of your internet connection under normal conditions. While these tests can provide useful information, they are just one piece of the puzzle.
In many cases clients experience a bad Wi-Fi connection(even if it shows good signal) that affects the speeds. To rectify this, a channel change can be done on your router to try and improve the service for your devices.

Please contact our support team for assistance.

Amobia has a congested free network. We carefully monitor our network to make sure we always have capacity for our clients.
We have scheduled maintenance slots where we do planned upgrades and maintenance on our core and fibre networks.

We also keep our client informed about Fibre Network Operators maintenance, and will give updates on progress should it be required.

Sometimes it is required that the wireless router be rebooted. This can be due to the router being in a frozen state or that it has been online for just too long.

If you router requires a reboot, its best to pull the power cable out at the back for 10sec and back in to reboot the router.

Always avoid pressing the reset button. Clients with Tenda routers can easily reset the router by accidently pressing the reset button at the back. Resetting your router will remove all the configuration and will leave you without Internet.

If you have accidently reset your router please contact the support team to assist you.

Carrier-Grade NAT (CGNAT) is a technique used by internet service providers (ISPs) to allocate a single public IP address to multiple users. This process, sometimes referred to as Double NAT, helps manage the limited availability of IPv4 addresses.

Why Are We Using CGNAT?

Due to the shortage of IPv4 addresses in the world we are transitioning our customers to IPv6. In the interim, we are implementing CGNAT to minimize the impact on our users.

What This Means for You

Your router will be assigned a private IP address, and when you access the internet, you will be routed through a shared public IP address.

For most customers, this change will be seamless. However, it may affect those who rely on services that require specific NAT configurations, such as:

Web, email, and file servers
Security cameras, printers, and home automation systems
Remote access to computers or devices
If you have any concerns about how this might affect you, please reach out to our support team on WhatsApp.



Netflix is a streaming service that allows members to watch a wide variety of award-winning TV shows, movies, documentaries, and more on Internet-connected devices. With Netflix, you can enjoy unlimited ad-free viewing of content. There's always something new to discover, and more TV shows and movies are added every month!


Showmax is a streaming service that gives you access to loads of movies, series and live sport, on demand, for R99 a month. Sign up to Showmax and get unlimited access to movies, series episodes, live sport, kids' shows and documentaries. Showmax is the biggest local competitor to Netflix in South Africa.

Google Play

Google play enables you to buy or rent Movies from the Google play Store.


YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

Amazon Prime Video

Prime Video is a video streaming service available for Amazon Prime members. With an eligible Amazon Prime membership, you have access to thousands of Prime Video titles at no additional cost. You also have the option to rent or buy movies and TV episodes not included with Prime Video, as well as to subscribe to over 100 premium channels with Prime Video Channels subscriptions.


With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music or podcast for every moment – on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more. There are millions of tracks and episodes on Spotify. You can also browse through the collections of friends, artists, and celebrities, or create a radio station and just sit back. Options include a premium ad-free monthly subscription and a free version.


Joox is a proudly South African streaming service, and it gives you instant access to many songs and albums by South African artists – add this one to your library if you want a uniquely local flavour added to your playlist.

If you’re looking to stream South African radio online, check out RadioSA – all major South African radio stations (and many of the smaller ones, too) are listed here for your listening pleasure with a high-quality signal

Complaints can be lodged with the ISPA in the following ways:

Telephone: 010 500 1200
Post: Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA), PO Box 518, Noordwyk, 1687

In terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act ("the Act") Amobia Communications has designated the Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA) as an agent to receive notifications of infringements as defined in Section 77 of the Act.

Take-down notices can be lodged with the ISPA in the following ways:

Telephone: 010 500 1200

Post: Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA), PO Box 518, Noordwyk, 1687


To view and manage your Amobia Internet services, pay your monthly service fees, see network status updates and access our help desk, download the Amobia App for Android via Google Play or for iPhone via the Apple App Store.

Make sure to contact our support team to get your username and password

Logo Play Store App Store

The Technical Support team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

You can reach out to us on :


Landline: 041 006 0000

WhatsApp: +27784217986


If you should wish to upgrade your home service you can send us an email at or request a service migration via the amobia APP.

Links may be upgraded or thereafter downgraded at any time. Billing will be affected for the highest line speed used during a calendar month (There will be no pro-rate billing).

General terms*:
Home Month to Month Services
Cancellations must be done in writing by way of an email to A calendar months’ notice will apply.
A calendar month is calculated from the 1st of a month. The customer remains liable for the full subscription fee during the cancellation (notice) month.

Home 12 Month or 24 Months Services
Cancellations must be done in writing by way of an email to A calendar month is calculated from the 1st of a month.
If early termination is requested by the Client, an amount equal to the monthly line rental fee multiplied by the remaining months of the contract term will billed by Amobia in full to the Client the month of the termination request

*Note: Always refer to you contract that you signed as the terms might differ

The Accounts team is available on Monday - Fridays from 8:00 - 16:00, excluding public holidays.

You can reach out to us on :


Landline: 041 006 0000

WhatsApp: +27784217986

Please view your invoice. 

There is a ABC123 code next to your name, which is the account code / beneficiary reference to be used for all communication.

See below example:

Invoice Example

Please mail all proof of payments to


If you require assistance in selecting a service you can contact us at or log a enquiry below to enable our friendly sales staff to assist you in making the decision easier.

View our contact us page for more contact information 

You can also view our guide lines for easy assistance 

WhatsApp : +27784217986

Amobia is able to provide you with a Static Public IP. 

Please contact our sales team for more information. 

Amobia sells a wide range of Wireless routers, including MESH routers to assist coverage within larger houses or double stories units. 
Please contact our sales team on or 041 006 0000

WhatsApp +27784217986


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Get in touch with our expert sales team and let us guide your journey to uninterrupted connectivity.

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